For Wee lil baby Taffi offshore
A little poem, maybe informative
Def not gonna be a bore
I am Jacob, your favourite sheep
And i wanna tell Julie about prince charming
I found him riding his horse in the middle of the gulf
None of the fish he was harmin
He had huge arms and big hands
And a heart tatoo with the word "Twinkle Toes"
He said he is friendly, and loves JC
Has loads of freinds and no foes
I told him that being Julie is a rough one
But she is indeed a dime
If he doesnt persue her, and be her best freind first
He is totally commiting a crime
Rodrigo is his name
He is half italian
He might be at the office tomorow
Ready to carry you away on his white stallion
Younger Elder, for you some info
Regarding a water spout
Uncle google can give you much more info
Of that i have no doubt
Water spouts are kind of tornadoes
Created by air temperature difference
Weaker than land tornadoes they range between
10-15 feet in circumference
Hope yall have a good week and enjoy the sun
Taffi and I sure will
We shall sunbathe and play hide and seek all day
And make hamburgers on the grill
Baaa- Jacob!!!!
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