Hi Ho everyone
I am super duper hyper today...cause i had oatmeal+ peanutbutter+ chocolate chip cookies ..and they were YUMMY
I woke up when Taffi tried to sneak out of bed cause of some noise outside. We had a supply boat offloading some groceries to ours. It was amazing. No one was helping the galley crew load a bunch of stuff. So Taffi went out to help them. It is amazing. As Taffi went, more and more people started to come by and help as well!! BAAA. Taffi calls it magic. I call it ....sheep power!
Taffi and the other challanger decided to do something for the boat crew today. So they decided to bake cookies. The kitchen is by far the busiest place on the boat. Cookie making was ....it was not up Taffi's alley...but it made Taffi feel good. People and sheep were happier, and more hyper...and it made the day go by faster
So, the lecture Taffi heard today was by this new speaker. And he was talking about a subject Taffi has been thinking about. It is about the blurry boundary of self reliance (independance) and depending on others. There was a famous concept about helping stop starvation in 3rd world countries. It was thought that if people were provided with a pair of rabbits and a piece of land, the rabbits would populate with each other and their waste products would fertilize the land to enhance crops. As long as a decent amount of rabbits remained, the people would have both meat and vegetables, in a cyclic process. However, this plan never worked....because people always ate up the rabbits faster than they could reproduce and keep the land fertile. So, the point being that if one cuts off his source of nourishment, is too greedy, too focused on the immediate outcome, he may loose his long term focus. That may happen in choosing mentors/disciples/friends etc. Are we looking for instant gratification in them? Would it be ok to have a little bit of pain/suffering sometimes to have a better long term situation.
The idea of responsibility was presented. When we are in college....we have a small amount of it. We know we should probably go to class and get good grades...and maybe look for a job. A small monkey on our shoulders

Then we graduate, get a job, and the monkey turns in to a chimpanzee. Be on work on time, be there everyday, act in a particular manner, represent your company around others etc

Then we grow up, have a family, a pet goat, 2 kids and a house...and suddenly the chimp is now an orangutan. We hardly have time to do any self reflection. Run in between work, house, moving the lawn, playing the social scene...

The question over here is :
1. Are we willingly taking these responsibilities? Do we know what they entail and is that what we signed up for?
2. Are we just doing these to get busy......for the sake of getting busy? Ignoring the true calling?
Reminds me (Jacob) of a quote....."GOOD IS THE ENEMY OF GREAT"
Ok...my hyperness is done..and so is my blog for the night!!! Baaaaaad
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