I am really happy. Scratch that.....i am ecstatic! I've missed good people...and good conversations...and walks in parks..and animals....and i guess.....all sorts of random things....like middle of the day starbucks...and buying food for random people...and picking up litter from the park....and going on walks....and....i have missed loads of stuff. Maybe i have missed some ballerinas in my life as well!

I've been thinking loads about if i want Taffi to continue working in the oil field. Taffi does not want to......is tiered of it. Has had some super bad experiences in the past month....and it has last a really bad taste in Taffi's mouth. I am not so sure. Taffi seems to be ok at it, can get the job done etc. Doesnt seem to be really taxing (mentally) for taffi.....why not continue.
Was talking to a guy who has been in the oil industry for like 40 years......and all he can still talk about is MORE MONEY....MORE MONEY.....money seems to be like an unsatiable greed.
Taffi used to think that everyone in the oil industry forever and ever on some deep down level is greedy.....or bad or something. Taffi is realizing that is stupid. I mean, i told taffi that the ballerina's earthly father has been in it forever....and he seems to be a stellar of a person.....so that doesnt make sense. Taffi agrees
Regardless......Taffi is happy tonight. Freedom is just around the corner ...or is it. There is the chopper ride....(s c a r y) and then the long ride back home....and then Taffi will have to face the family.......not exciting prospects but something shall have to be done.
Anyways, i end this blog...with a happy dance.
This blog shall continue....at random occasions now...whenever i need to communicate to some awesome people in my life :)
Signing out...
With loads of l word
Jacob Elder!