Taffi is really thankful today. Taffi chatted with someone random for a bit today, and it helped Taffi. Clear out the mind. Give some hope. It was good.
Been thinking of some more thinks I am thankful for.
2. This awesome bookmark i have....it says "the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious".
3. I read a quote today.....it said something to the extent that if you are not constantly struggling with your soul, struggling to make certain moral decisions, you are not making life what it should be. Life needs to be a constant struggle. It was for all. It is an accepted fact that it is a broken world, we are waging a war against Satan and his evil forces, so if everything is fine and dandy, there is something seriously wrong. We may have compromised, or settled ....on issues we shouldnt have.
Good to know this....cause i know i am still mad struggling....with lots of things

Taffi has been grappling with an issue for the past few days. Not the biggest issue ...but certainly one worth worrying about.
Taffi feels very strongly about class disparity and discrimination. We are all humans and deserve basic rights. To treat one differently based upon any reason, color, money, religion, position in life, age, gender, sexual preference, physical disability, whatever it may be...is WRONG...and should not be tolerated. Everyone deserves to be treated humanely. Taffi tells me childhood stories, where people with lesser financial standing were treated horribly (eating left overs, tying shoe laces, staying out in the sun, the whole nine yards)..and that is a burden Taffi definatly will bear for the rest of life.
So check this out. How is this any different now , on these boats, in this great country of USA. The client reps all get their own rooms. and better internet service. How is that ANY SORT OF FAIR? BP does not allow its female employees to share rooms with guys...either with other females or on your own. That is fine enough. But why is this rule not implied on the other contractor females (they are working down the chain for us). Is their "safety" and "privacy" not important enough. Why do client reps get more privileges, INTERNET, PHONES IN ROOMS, BETTER SERVICE etc?
How is this not another Rosa Parks situation....with Taffi being on the wrong side of the fence?

Now dont get Taffi wrong.....Taffi really enjoys this privilege and is spoilt to the extent that would not know what to do....if Taffi did not have this facility. But still.....how is that fair?
This is a systematic issue.....tons and tons of boats were literally made this way....single bunk rooms (on quieter floors) for clients. Really? Do others not deserve good sleep, privacy, own space etc? (Also consider that others do more critical work ..lifts, manhandling etc, and are here for extended periods).
This is bothering Taffi....
Was thinking about something else. About God really. Taffi has a tendency/desire of asking for stuff sometimes, but then that makes Taffi kinda see God more as a genie, a wish fulfiller than a God! Wonder if we all want that sometimes, for God to be our genie, that He just appear when we rub our little lamp, and jump through hoops for us, grant us our wishes and dissapear....That really cant be reality. I thought that it was more about having a relationship with God! Maybe that is why it is so hard for me! I havent ever had a real good relationship with anyone, or cared for anyone, so caring for a being i cant even see, or having a relationship with Him, that is bewildering.
Countdown continues..1 day 8 hours 56 mins 23 secs